Nasm Performance enhancement Trainer
Nasm Performance enhancement Trainer
• Our rules :
+ Final exam :90min + 100 questions
you will have 2 attempts to pass
passing score 70% or higher to pass
+ What is the age limit for the course
18 years or older to start the course.
+ basic knowledge of fitness
Chapter 1: Integrated Training Essentials
The student will be able to identify the principles of integrated training and explain the components, scientific rationale, and evidence.
Chapter 2: Science of Human Movement
Identify key biomechanical terminology and topics, and explain functional anatomy as it relates to Integrated sports performance training
Chapter 3: Testing in Sports Performance
Describe the components and function of an integrated sports performance assessment, and identify methods for determining athlete readiness to perform.
Chapter 4: Flexibility Training Concepts
Explain the scientific rationale for the use of an integrated flexibility-training program.
Chapter 5: Metabolic Energy System Training
Differentiate between aerobic and anaerobic energy systems and describe the importance of the role of the metabolic energy system training in improving sports performance.
Chapter 6: Core Training Concept
Explain the importance of the core musculature and its relationship to performance enhancement.
Chapter 7: Balance Training Concepts
Describe the role of balance training in improving sports performance and injury prevention.
Chapter 8: Plyometric Training Concepts
Describe plyometric techniques and their purpose in performance enhancement and injury prevention.
Chapter 9: Speed, Agility, and Quickness Training
Understand speed, agility, and quickness (SAQ) techniques and their purpose in performance enhancement and injury prevention.
Chapter 10: Resistance Training Concepts
Describe the role of resistance training in improving sports performance and identify the stages of the General Adaptation Syndrome.
Chapter 12: The Science of Periodization of the OPT™ Model
Identify the acute training variables within the Optimum Performance Training® (OPT™) model.
Chapter 11: Olympic Lifting for Performance Enhancement
Explain the rationale for the use of the Olympic lifts in improving performance.
Chapter 13: Injury Prevention for the Athlete
Identify strategies for injury prevention and common injuries related to physical activity.
Chapter 14: Performance Nutrition
Explain the limits of nutritional advice under the scope of practice, and describe pre- and post-exercise nutrition strategies.
Chapter 15: Ergogenic Aids
Identify common substances used to enhance performance, ergogenic foods, and analyze ethical and legal issues related to the use of ergogenic aids.
Chapter 16: Psychology in Sports Performance
Explain performance psychology and its role in achieving athletic excellence.